
A fabric brand Jianna and an accessory brand Caressa have been launched by a Surat-based dyeing and processing house. What looked like an impossible dream has been made to come true by the Zenitex Group as it built on its strengths as a much-awarded MSME player for its sustainability initiatives like 'energy conservation' and 'environment protection'.

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How does Levi’s leverage technology to make tomorrow’s jeans designs? Take a look here
A pair of jeans is just a few pieces denim sewed together, right? Well, not exactly. Maybe some $20 knockoffs were hastily made, but for decades Levi Strauss has agonized over how to create new designs and how to learn from past ones. Meanwhile, it’s invested in new ways to make the prototyping process less time-consuming.
The company’s San Francisco-based Eureka Lab, which has been around for over five years, is where the jeans giant toys around with new ideas. This innovation hub is where Levi’s looks at past jeans designs, thinks about future ones, and then puts it all together. Using a new platform called FLX, which mixes technologies like digital imaging and laser etching, the company can create new prototypes (or replicate past ones) on an iPad and then have it sent to a machine, which then prints the final product.

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